Tuesday, September 11, 2012 | 8:23 AM

Hi all. I'm back to blogging after quite long. I used to blog often during secondary school days which is like around ... 3 years back? Anw, am back to blogging now. 

 Lately, I'm busy searching and planning for my batam trip during 17 september to 22 september. I spent the whole day at home searching for the popular restaurant and things to do. And.... tadah, finally done with it.

As you people can see from the picture, I really put in effort for this trip to batam. Urghhhhh, Why isit I'm the one doing all this and not my bf! >..< Hopefully it's gonna be a enjoyable trip.

Currently, I've been aiming onto this casio brand camera for quite some times already. Was checking the price online but some said it's retail price is $449 but some said it's $700+. So what's the exact price? =...=
I've seen some famous blogger like yutakis, junying have been sharing this camera reviews on her blog and it looks pretty good. Thus, giving me the urge to get it. I've been wanting to get camera and so i was thinking that this might make a good choice for me.

So which colour?

The red looks quite nice. Probably the red for me? :B Alright, shall save up to get this camera!

Booking of chalet for my birthday which falls on december plan is confirmed. So will be booking it end of the month when i get my pay first. Am currently broke now. Haha.

Alright, shall stop here. 